Tag: journal articles

5 essentials of statistics for medical writers

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Statistics. A word that can send shivers up even the most seasoned medical writer's spine. But statistics shouldn’t be feared or avoided; in fact, most of the time, it is simply misunderstood. While you – the medical writer – may not be responsible for conducting the statistical tests or generating the analytical outputs, you are […]

10 lessons I’ve learned working as a freelance medical writer for 10 years

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As my tenth year as a freelance medical writer draws to a close, I’m taking a moment to reflect on some of the key lessons I’ve learned along the way. It has certainly been a rollercoaster ride with its ups, downs, and some downright topsy turvy chaos. It has been hard incredibly hard at times. […]

9 tips to help get your article published

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You have spent time and energy on completing your research and now it is time to get it published. This is an important step to getting your name recognised in the field and, most importantly, advancing the knowledge in your respective field. Here are nine tips to help you get published: Select an appropriate target […]