Tag: abstracts

4 helpful hints for presenting your research poster at a conference

Elion Medical Communications Presenting Your Research Poster at a Conference

That email has just hit your inbox…it’s from the conference you’ve been eager to get to – and yes! Your abstract has been accepted! A poster presentation! Now the work begins. Whether its your first poster, or your tenth, creating an effective poster can be hard work. Luckily, we have some tips to make the […]

4 tips on how to write a compelling abstract for a scientific conference

Elion Medical Communications Write a Compelling Abstract for a Scientific Conference

Ready to share your research at a medical conference, but struggling to craft the perfect abstract? Let’s unlock some of the secrets of writing a compelling abstract. Attending scientific conferences are a good opportunity to showcase your work and network with like-minded academics in your field. However, acceptance to present at a conference can be […]