This Insight focuses on: 1) the Healthcare Communication Association’s position paper on AI, 2) six principles that can help you start using AI for communications, and 3) the value of the AI market in medical writing.
The Healthcare Communications Association (HCA) has published a position paper on AI in Current Medical Research and Opinion. The HCA is a professional association that aims to be the leading professional association uniting and championing those in healthcare communications. This paper discusses how the pharmaceutical and communications sector should engage with AI. If your company has, or is about to develop, an AI policy, have a look at the paper to make sure your policy features these principles.
Cision, the public relations and media software company, presented a session titled “AI and the Future of Crisis Comms” at the 2023 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media. They have provided a supplement to this presentation with six ways you can use AI for PR and communications. These six principles not only help you get started with AI, but provide strategies on how you can continue to innovate as this technology advances.
Polaris Market Research reports the global AI in medical writing market in 2022 was valued at USD 684 million and is expected to rise to USD 1.76 billion by 2030. It is thought that the reason behind this demand is due to medical writers being able to delegate routine tasks thereby allowing them to focus on more complex issues. This report also covers some of the top market players in this market.